Saturday, May 22, 2010

Kubla's in the pits

Well, Kubla's tanked for me. Besides not being able to prepare adequately, my finances got the better of me. This is the weekend and I have about $50 'til June. My bank account is slightly negative. Life still sucks, but I just need to hold out here 'til July and then I can look for a house in the woods instead of a crackerbox on a hilltop! Right now, my priorities are all skewed and if I come out o' this alive, it'll be a miracle!


  1. I can't even keep the damned dates straight! Kubla is this coming weekend. Oh well, still broke and spending too much time on this infernal machine!

  2. Damned computers! Anyway, thought I'd update this silly thing. Christmas Eve and I'm still as messed up as ever. However, I do have plans for GaryConIII as well as a meet-up planned for next month to try and get another gaming group going. Btw, I'm no longer in Mariposa, but Cottonwood AZ. I just haven't figured out how to edit my "Location."
