Sunday, February 27, 2011

Still losin' my mind

I'm trying to get ready for GaryCon, but it's not easy anymore. I'm losin' my mind in this place. My life is completely fantasy. All I know of the outside world is that it's dangerous. Meanwhile, I try to carry on, listening to my music, watching the tube, trying to game with no gamers. My only friends are online, blah, blah, blah...

Friday, February 18, 2011

Ho hum

I'm still here, still wastin' time. Good thing I have nice neighbors. If they really knew how screwed up I really am, I'd be in a lot more trouble. So much for privacy. I'm all over the place on this infernal machine.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Wastin' time

Damn, I wish there wasn't so damned much to do around here and I wasn't so damned screwed up. I just don't know where to start, so I end up just screwin' around not accomplishing much of anything. Dunno if anyone reads this thing, but I like messin' with it even if I do say a bunch o' nuthin'.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Working folks

Well, just found out that one of my players just started a new job that conflicts with game night and that also affects two other players. I really wish I could work. I've set up a poll to find an alternate time.