Friday, December 31, 2010

Well, just about to settle in for the night in this prison of mine. I need to get workin' on this place but I'm kimda stuck as where to begin. Oh well, 1st o' the month and that'll open possibilities.

I'm pickin' up a couple or three Pasesetter modules for Christmas and this coming week. I expect a big Christmas box with 1e modules and 2e box sets and other assorted material. The box is 25lbs, so it'll be fun.

Still lookin' forward to GaryConIII in March. I'm almost ready.

Monday I head to the Prescott VA to work on getting a service dog. Should be able to bring him in the house sometime next month.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

I might actually figure out how to do this eventually. I still hate computers, though. I really should toss both into the dumpster.