Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Still toughin' it out!

Well, it was hell getting to the con. Two days of misery and I was a couple o' hours late for my first event, cancelled because I wasn't there. Nobody like gamers, though. Had my discomfort, but it was a fine weekend in a fine place. Rusty as I am, my remaining events went well, but it wasn't until my last one that everything really came together and it was a bomber session.

The trip back was miserable as well, but worked out a bit better than the trip there.

All in all, a great time. Dunno if I'll be able to make it next year. Sights are on a TrollCon. But if my situation improves, I might be able to make both next year. Maybe I can even make another Con Quest!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Gary Con

Well, I'm keeping up this nonsense even though I still have no idea of what I'm really doing anymore. What can I say? I'm a gamer.

Anyway, GaryCon is in six days and I'm scramblin' to get ready. I done all of my printing out, now I need to prepare mentally, not an easy task given my mush for brains and the continual distractions in this place, but cheese land, here I come!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

I live a completely hopeless life...

I don't know why I even continue with this charade. It's Saturday, a beautiful day, and I'm still so far behind that I won't take the time to enjoy it. I hate technology, but I keep trying to use it as if I knew what I was doing. Meanwhile, my health stays in the sewer.

I ain't a fan o' kids and I live next to a damned high school! In my condition, I ain't even a fan o' people! I fiddle-futz w/ gaming sites and blogs because I have no friends except online.

I need help and life is just too damned fast for this old geezer!