Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Damned computer!

I loaded Linux Mint on this beast awhile back... well, that's not strictly true. Anyway, I'm wanting to back-up my hard drive and do a fresh install of Mint, completely re-formatting the hard drive, but I can't seem to get it all. I used Clonezilla and only nabbed about a third of the disk. Unless I can get my s**t together on this machine, I might have a bit o' trouble gettin' ready for KublaCon.
So, this blog is about gaming, so I'll throw in a couple o' tidbits. First off, there's dragonsfoot.org I'm in a pbp game there and havin' fun. Coming up in May is KublaCon (Burlingame CA). I had submitted Druids Isle, a high-level epochal mystery adventure on the world of Aihrde utilizing the C&C ruleset and Cattle Drive to Hell, a mixed genre offering set in the Shattered Frontier and Ft. Worth, Kansas using Ace & Eights rules for the drive and Call of Cuthulu rules once they gained the auction yard. Well, the rpg honcho for KublaCon had some family problems, so only the attle Drive to Hell will be scheduled. Damn, that makes me cranky!
Well, I'm finally in Blog World. It's late, can't sleep and I'm a cranky old gamer stuck in a double-wide with not enough light or room for my stuff! Health problems are doggin' me, this trailer is impossible to keep clean and it's about the loudest place I've lived! Crackerbox!